After six years, I’ve updated this site with a new design, look and feel. The content all remains and you can find all your favorite articles just as before. You’ll notice there’s a more sensual and intimate feel with the images I’ve selected.

There’s a reason for that.

The work I do is deeply human and involves baring hearts, souls and wounds. There is a tenderness and humanity that I want you to feel through this site, just as you feel when you interact with me.

This new design represents me in a deeper, more personal way. The woman I am — my divine feminine strength, honor, love, courage, warriorhood and tenderness. I want the inner and the outer to be one and you, my warriors, are held within my spirit’s embrace.

There is no more soulful intimacy than the trust that lies between my warriors and my heart. Through Grace, the space we inhabit in conversation is vulnerable and exposed…the heaviest burdens, the fears, the weight of all you carry and entrust me with…is sacred.

Sacred and human.

You come here to find your strength and know you are not alone.

You come here willing to risk being held.

I hold you.

We live in a #metoo society where the fear of being misunderstood makes us cringe back from what is a right and needed human connection. I am grateful that with 90% of my warriors being hardened male warfighters, respect for me as a female has never been an issue. You honor me and I can be who I am to you because you allow me to feel safe.

I can receive you because of that respect.

For my female warriors, I know many of you have not been safe when you should have been protected by the men around you. My heart honors your experience and it is not my intent that any of the images on this site trigger or make you feel less than absolutely respected. I will not shy away from the fact that I minister to a primarily male audience and that is who has gravitated and resonated most with what I have to say. I want all of my warriors to feel safe and heard and welcome. If the content resonates with you — it doesn’t matter what your gender is. Brother or sister.

It’s your soul I speak to.

Joe DeCree has been added as an author to the site — his writing resonates so closely with what I feel that I have found him to be of great support in helping me support you. Don’t be shy in reaching out to him. He’s a great guy and he knows how to lead you.

Those of you who know me, know being here for my warriors is why I am on this earth this time. Some of you know why it matters so much to my soul. From a place of deepest respect and honor, I love you. I love you as you love each other. And I belong to you.

Serving you is a joy and an honor. It is healing and redemption. It is part of an ancient, ancient story that still echoes in my soul and memory.

So, here I am. And here you are.

Fighting on, together.




4 thoughts on “Newness

  1. Thank you, Terry. Have you ever read Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes? Much of the healing work for women is reclaiming out true power and inner knowing. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that book. Email me if you want to discuss more.

  2. Thank you for keeping this site. As you know I am a fan and your work means a lot to me. Yes as a female warrior I was totally let down by my male counterparts and left out to dangle over the fire alone. Not many people will admit to doing that to a battle. I am trying to be okay with what went down and how my 12 years and subsequent retirement left me broken. I am taking small steps.. You are a big help.

  3. Thank you for your posts, I don’t interact often; but I read every post. Each word touches my soul, I am thankful for all that you do.

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